Saturday, November 23, 2013

When you think it is over...

... it really is not. At all. In any way.

NaNoWriMo day #21 - wordgoal: 35000 -

There really is not much to tell. After finishing my novel on the 20th I felt like I deserved a break. So I took one. But just from the creative writing. Another reason for me not working on my novel was schoolwork. We got a really big assignment that is due Monday the 25th, so I worked the entire day on that and did not get to do anything else. It worked though. I finished the first draft of my assignment.

NaNoWriMo day #22 - wordgoal: 36667 - 

Being done with my school assignment, I had the entire day to work on my novel. So I started reading through it. Why? So I could get a better picture of my novel. While reading through it I would make a really short synopsis of each chapter. I managed to get the first three chapters done. I could probably have done more, but I decided to take it easy and not make it a drag to revise my novel.

NaNoWriMo day #23 - wordgoal: 38333 - 

Once again I have managed to read through and make a short synopsis of three more chapters, but the day is still young! And I might read another or two more chapters before I go to sleep. Or I won't. I am going to a party later tonight and I do not get home before 3am. I am not planning to drink, but I still might be really exhausted, so I won't have energy to read nor write. Though this first read through is just to get an overview, I still want to be clear in the head when I am doing it. The real read through will not happen until I print out my 220-something page long manuscript... sorry rainforest, but it is in the name of my novel, so I hope you will understand.

For the rest of NaNoWriMo my updates will be a little bit different, as you probably have noticed, since I am no longer working on my first draft. My graf is a sad sign. It has gone still, which hurts me so much inside that I will not even show it to you. However I plan on being done with my first read through once November is over. After that the real revisions begin, and with that I will have a Hell of a lot to talk about. Trust me.

For those of you still doing NaNoWriMo....:

Keep Calm and Write On.

- Nanna.