Saturday, December 21, 2013

This is a weird one...

Because I don't really have anything in particular to talk about. This post is actually kind of improvised. My best friend was spending the weekend alone, but she got uncomfortable so in about an hour I'm going to her house. I know; I'm an awesome friend.

On the writing front things are going well. I have finally printed out the last chapters of my novel, and all left to do is editing, and then I can start the 2nd draft. I can't wait! January is going to be a great month for writing. And on top of starting my 2nd draft, I may also get a new computer, which is going to be awesome, because what I have now is... not good...

This is my final post before christmas, so I wanted it to be special! Damn... some times things doesn't go according to plan. I guess I could tell you my christmas wishlist...yeah I'll do that.

Books...books, books and more books! I can't remember every book I wished for, but A song of ice and fire, The Fault in Our Stars, Lord of the flies and a lot of Stephen King books were on there. I want to read all of them at some point, but I really hope I get the "A song of ice and fire"-boxset. Then I'm going to marathon them. 

Polaroid camera. Because I want to take a lot of pictures of my friends and hang them on my wall immidiently. I got this idea from the movie "new year's eve", when Anna Hatherway is taking a picture of her boyfriend, or whatever he is.... it just looked kind of cool, and I want to replicate that.

Other than that, I wish for the usual... giftcards for book stores, clothing stores....Oh! And I wish for cups. Let me show you a picture! They are so pretty!

I am soon moving out (with soon mening August/September 2015) so I need to stuck up on everything I need for my own apartment, starting with these gorgeous cups from Menu!

I guess that was everything... I'm sorry if I seem kind of all over the place, but I hope you have a merry, merry christmas! I will try to get done with editing before the 24th, so I have the rest of December to just relax before January 1st.

Keep Calm and Write On.

- Nanna.

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