Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Book Haul...

Merry christmas! I hope you all had an awesome day, and if you don't celebrate this day, then I hope it was just another ordinary, but awesome, Tuesday!

So all in all I got 8 books, but 7 of them were in a box set, so can go figure which books they were *wink, wink*.

But I will share them with you anyway! Because That is what I like to do!

"A song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin complete box set with a freaking map included! I haven't started reading them yet, since there are 3 more books I need to read before I begin these bad boys. But I am so  looking forward to starting them. And since I have all of them I can just read them one after another without worrying about forgetting what happened while waiting till I get the next one in the series. It's going to be great reading a new series and invest myself in a new set of characters.

"Julemandens død" (or "The death of Santa Claus") by Kenneth Bøgh Andersen. This book is danish and have yet to have an english release. I don't know if it ever will, but it's out over here so I will enjoy it! It's split up into 24 chapters entitled December 1st, December 2nd and so on. I absolutly adore the cover art of this book. It is so beautiful and looks like leather. Also it has a really nice feel to it.
I love Kenneth Bøgh Andersen's writing style and this along side two other of his books are the ones I need to finish before starting Game of Thrones. I have heard only good things about this book, and it seems really unique so I can't wait to get to it!

Other than that I got my polaroid camera and I got my cups from Menu! It's been an awesome holiday season for me, and I got to spend it with the best of my family, which is more important than the presents. 

Oh yeah, and on December 23rd I finished my rough edits on my novel, so now I can relax and take a break from it until January 1st.

Keep Calm and Write On.

- Nanna.

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