Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Just keep writing, just keep writing...

The hours seem to pass by much faster, when you are constantly trying to save the daylight. Oh well, I write better doing the night anyway, so I guess my only real problem is school. That is a big one though. 

NaNoWriMo day #3 - wordgoal: 5000 -

So with two 10k days behind me, Sunday had a lot to live up to. I started off the day with writing chapter 7, which went really well. But then...I barely even dare to say it...but then chapter 8 came along. It was not a boring chapter to write, but I just had a really hard time figuring out how to get from point A to point B. Do not get me wrong. I have an outline which I somewhat follow precisely. Having that rough start, however, made the chapter seem like a bit of a chore. But once I had the beginning out of the way suddenly it all went smoothly! I crossed the 25k mark and even after that I kept going!
I even made a rule:
  1. Thou shalt not rest until thou hast written 1k words. Once thou hast written thou words, thou shalt be granted the gift of 10 minutes that thou may use on what thou please.
And by sticking to that rule, I made it to 30k! You guessed it; Sunday was yet another 10k day. My totalt wordcount for the day was 31.165 words. And with that, chapter 9 was done.

NaNoWriMo day #4 - wordgoal: 6666 -

So far this has been my low-point during NaNo. I did not even finish chapter 10, and I only wrote a little over 4k words. I was so disappointed in myself that all I wanted to do was lay down on the floor and cry. I know it was stupid, because 4k words in one day is still really good, but going from 10k a day to 4k...that was hard on me. And on top of that I now had to get back into my daily routine, which involved school.
But I crossed the 35k mark, so I was still ahead.

NaNoWriMo day #5 - wordgoal: 8333 -

On Tuesday I had a writing class in which I wrote 2k words. It was a nice way to start off my writing, and I found out that the library is probably the best place for me to write. There are next to no distractions, and people do not bother you. They just let you sit in peace and write. But I could not stay there all day. I had to get home, which meant lots of distractions. Or so I thought. When I got home it was impossible for me to connect to the internet, so all I was able to do was write. And so I did! I finally finished chapter 10, you know, the one I was stuck with on day #4. And by doing that I had reached 40.523 words! You know what that mean; Less than 10k to go.

NaNoWriMo day #6 - wordgoal: 10.000 - 

So the wordgoal for today was 10k. I am way past that. I reached a major plot point in my story, and for every passing day I am falling more and more in love with what I am writing. is a first draft, but I never said I liked the words I put down on the page. My story is making sense for once. And everything that happens, happen for a reason. 
I crossed the 45k mark today, but that was not the greatest achievement of the day. I found out something about the story I am writing: The stand-alone novel I have been writing over the past 6 days is actually the first book in a series. Or at least it looks like it. I had been considering the idea of a sequel, but did not really think it would work. And it will not. But something else will. I will not go into detail, since I am still playing around with the idea.

Once again I am going to show you my graf. It is growing, slower, but none the less growing.

Week one of NaNoWriMo is almost over. If you are getting discouraged just do like Dory, but instead of swimming just keep writing...just keep writing.

Keep Calm and Write On.

- Nanna.


  1. Wow! It's awesome that you're making so much progress so quickly. You are well and truly winning NaNo this year. Awesome work! Keep it up!

    1. Thank you so much!
      I can see, on the website, that you are also making great progress! Good luck with your novel!
