Saturday, November 2, 2013

And thus it has begun...

I have just finished my wordcount for the day. NaNoWriMo has defiently started. But before I could start writing, I needed motivation! So I hung up my noticeboard and filled it with inspirational quotes!

NaNoWriMo day #1 - wordgoal: 1667 -

When the clock stroke midnight I started writing like a mad person. It was really stupid of me to stay up that late, since I had school the same day and had to get up at 6am. But none the less I wanted to kick off NaNoWriMo at midnight on November 1st. And so I did. I had already written the first chaper of my novel a few months back, but I decided to re-write it at the start of NaNoWriMo, just so the words would count in the final product. So I wrote for 1 hour total, and when the clock hit 1am I had written 2021 words! That was the fastest I had ever written 2000 words, so within the 1st hour of NaNoWriMo, I had completed the wordcount of the day.

After having written the 2000 words, I decided to get some sleep and write again when I got home from school. Let us say that I was very tired when I woke 4½ hours later and had to get up. I do not think I have ever been that exhausted in my life. But I pulled myself together and went to school. Luckily, with only three modules, I was home at about 2pm. This meant I had lots of time to write. Which was really, all I did that day.

I did a lot of sprints on Twitter with my fellow Wrimos, and at about 11.45pm I hit my goal of 10k be more exact: 10.115 words. The most I had ever written before in a day was 7k words, and I beat that by 3k on day #1 of  NaNo2013.

Afterwards I was so exhausted, that I just passed out on my bed. 

NaNoWriMo day #2 - wordgoal: 3333 - 

Would you look at that? It is today!
I did not start writing as early, as I had planned. I think I started at 10am. And all I did since I started were sprints on Twitter. After a couple of hours I had written 5k words, and about one hour ago, I finished my second 10k day, which brought me to a total of 21.024 words.

I checked that in Word, and it is about 45 pages. In 2 days I have written 45 pages. I have almost hit the halfway point of NaNoWriMo, which is 50k. Am I excited? Yes. Am I surprised? Aw, Hell yeah! 
I never in my wildest dreams imagined, that I would be able to write 21k words in just 2 days!

Now, I am not going to be writing any more for today, since I have just ended chaper six, and I like to start my day with a fresh chapter. But what I am going to do is all my homework for Monday, and if I have the time, Tuesday as well. That way I can focus on writing and not worry about making time for homework and such. 

To end this off, I would like to show you my graf, so you can see I am not messing around with you.

It just feels so good seeing how far I am ahead. And having less than 30k left to win is not half-bad either!

If you have tackled on NaNoWriMo this year; Don't give up! Get ahead from the beginning while you are excited and pumped to write. Trust me, it is going to benefit you in the end.

Keep Calm and Write On.

- Nanna.

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