Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year Resolutions...

It's 2014! Wow! And I who thought 2012 had just started. Crazy how time fly.

So another year has ended, and what a year it was! I look back on it and for the most part all I can do is smile. Now every year has its downers, and I've had a fair share of my own, but that didn't stop me from having an awesome year.

One of my biggest accomplisments in 2013 was probably finishing 1st year of Gymnasium. The first year is always the hardest, and now that is it over I'm having a blast with 2nd year. And as of today I only have 1½ year left before I'm graduating and then going to university! 

Another amazing thing 2013 brought me was NaNoWriMo 2013. I've talked a lot about NaNo here on this blog, but this year was especially good for me. I was able to write 50k words in one week, and even better, I had a 100k novel finished in twenty days. Not only did I finish it, I also began the rough edits. I took out my yellow marker and marked those words up!

But the thing I am most excited about is probably beginning the early work on a fantasy trilogy, which I'll be writing in 2014. I have finished the outline for book 1 and is now working on the outline for book 2. On top of that I also know the plotline of book 3. But I won't be writing it until my current novel is sent off to a publisher.

Which brings me to 2014. What are my plans? 

Well, I have a few New Year Resolutions that I plan on actually achieving this year.

  1. Stop the nail biting! It is disgusting and I should not be doing it. So stop it girl.
  2. Complete the final draft of current novel and send it off to a publisher.
  3. While waiting for the inevitable rejection letter, I will start working on my fantasy trilogy.
  4. Whether or not I get a rejection letter or a contract for my book, I will get a novel published in 2014.
  5. Say yes to more things.
  6. Passing my exams.
  7. Win NaNoWriMo 2014.

So these are my goals for the coming year. They seem achievable, right? I think so. I hope so.

Do you have any NYR? If so tell me about them!

Keep Calm and Write On.

- Nanna.

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