Saturday, December 14, 2013

First impressions: "Daugther of Smoke and Bone" by Laini Taylor

This is going to be a short one for a change. But I need to talk about this book to someone, because I am addicted.

First impressions

I had heard a lot of good things about this book from a number of people, but I never really looked into it or anything. Seeing the cover I thought it was some sort of romance story and a masquerade. I was so wrong. But anyway! I was pretty annoyed one day and decided to buy something for myself. So I went to my local bookstore and there I saw it; Daugther of Smoke and Bone. Hardcover. For only 9,5 $. Little to say, I had to buy it.

I started reading it immidiatly and right from the first page I was sold.  The characters are funny and the plot is unlike anything I have ever read before. It's been a while since I've wanted to be a character from a book, but I can say without doubt; I want to be Karou. She is beautiful, funny, and has a freakin family of chimaeras! Oh and Akiva! I am falling for that angel! He sounds so perfect... I just... I can't even! 

Something that I don't have a problem with, but I can't not notice is the amount of passive voice used. It might be because I am reading the danish translation, and maybe it is different in the original one, but I have started to count the amount of times the word "was" is being used.

As I said, I don't have a problem with it. The book is amazing. And I am actually off to reading it right after writing this! Unfortunately I will have to wait quiet a while for the danish release of the sequel. One may argue that I could just read it in english, but I like to finish a series in the language I started it in, so I'll have to wait... #sadface.

Anywho. That's my first impressions. I will probably do a review of the book this coming Wednesday, because I can't keep myself away from it. And I want to share my final opinion on it once I finish it.

Just a little update on my writing; I am about 2/5 through my chapter revisions! Hopefully I will be done by the end of December... hopefully.

Keep Calm and Write On.

- Nanna.


  1. Sounds like a really interesting read. I haven't heard of this book before, but anything that entails a character having a family of chimaeras is worth a shot, I guess. :)

    Best of luck getting the chapter revisions done by the end of December. I think you can do it :)

    1. If you like urban fantasy, I would say go for it! I seriously will sit in public places and start smiling while saying stuff like "Awww" and "OMG!" when reading it!

      Thank you! I really hope so, 2nd drafting phase starts on January 1st, so I got to be ready by then! ^_^
