Saturday, October 26, 2013

Sometimes things might actually work out...

We all know that feeling, when we're waiting for someone to respond and time decides to stop completely. When that happens, you might aswell use your waiting hours in a creative way. 

NaNoWriMo preperation progress #2

My outline has been having ups and downs over the last few days. I was writing an outline for chapter 6 and it was going well. Until I discovered, that chapter 6 was meant to be chapter 5. So I had to delete one chapter and move them around a little, but I am now back on track.
I spent my entire friday doing research for the novel. I am going to go more into depth with this later in this post, but for now, let's just say; I had a lot of reading to do, but in the end it was worth it. Things are starting to make sense, which is an amazing feeling.
A few hours ago I finished drawing my very first map. It is not the best, and probably not that realistic, but it is good enough for me. When I was drawing it, I did not think about the perspective and all of that technological stuff that goes into making a map. I made it more of a guideline for myself. So when I am writing about this place, I will remember where everything is and how to get around.
Now, can we just take a moment to realise that NaNoWriMo is less than 1 week away? It is crazy. And I still have so much preperation to do before friday. I am not even halfway done with my outline, and there are still character bios that need to be completed. I am going to have a busy, sleepless week.

Praise the online community!

Now we are getting to the part I was talking about earlier.
So, the novel I am going to write in November touch upon an astronomy related incident. I had been researching this subject over the entire summer, but I could not get my hands on any golden information.
What I decided to do was ask on the NaNoWriMo forums. I thought to myself 'somebody has got to know!'.
Well... they did not. At least for a while. A few weeks went by without any responses that I found useful - I was grateful fpr those I got, but they did not contain the information I needed -, but then last night I was contacted by someone on I am not going to say their name for privacy reasons.
This person had seen my post and told me that he/she had written a literature review on the specific subject. Right at that moment I was thrilled! But it just kept getting better...
This person said that he/she would send me the review, if it could help my novel. I did not even think about it before I send him/her my e-mail.
The review and some other notes were sent to me, and I spend the entire night going through them. It was exactly what I had been in search of! All the little details I needed was in there, and everything started making sense, but most importantly; I found a way to make it work with my novel. 
So to this person, if you ever read this, thank you so much. I do not think you realise how much you have done for me over the course of just a few messages. 
The NaNoWriMo community is amazing for support, help, and friendly faces.

My last week as a child

My 18th birthday is coming up. Which means by Wednesday - October 30th - I will no longer be considered a child.
I feel like it was just yesterday I turned 17, and now I am going to be a grownup. Me! That is so unrealistic and I do not know how to feel about it. I am trying not to make it a big deal, but I just know that when I go to bed on Tuesday, I will not be able to sleep. And I am not even that excited about my is something that happens every year, but my brain is always trying to convince me that it is going to be this awesome event!
So me, who is stuck in this grey area of being a child, but still kind of an adult, acts like my birthday is the new Christmas.
Please, brain...just let me sleep this year. I need it, especially with NaNoWriMo coming up. 

Keep Calm and Write On. 

- Nanna.

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